Tuesday 1 October 2013

Aye aye Captain

Well work finished early today, but I be phenomenally exhausted. I went two whole days without makin' any actual screw up and I be quite proud o' meself and apparently the chef be too. Work be taxin' but I love it. Few inappropriateness, a lot o' too much appropriateness and thar be this cluelessness. Arrrr

Yeah okay I was trying to speak in pirate but huge fail. Why did I attempt pirate ? Well for starters my cruelly short hair is not short enough for the people at work. I was subjected to a lot of experimenting, which includes wrapping my entire head with plastic film ( yep you read that right ) but still no avail. The plastic film actually worked but I was already in a hot kitchen that makes me sweat and a covered scalp resulted in a sticky ( and here comes the embarrassing part, rather smelly ) mane. However I got a bit delusional at a point that I was pretty much convinced I was a Mummy. So I suggested that may be I wear a bandanna or a doe-rag and I was told ' This is a kitchen not Pirates of the Caribbean' ( I still don't see the connection )
And there is so much unrefined talking going around me that I fear may be my language will get as barbaric as them. Whatever few ladylike qualities I have left are going to be plucked from me and then may be I can speak good pirate.

I was hoping that may be the men will behave more gentlemanly due to the presence of a lady but obviously I was hoping for too much. However today two men admitted that though they have no qualms in being casual ( read wrestling and etc. ) with other girls they are scared to even touch me. I did get my ego up before they could give an explanation. What I thought was that may be I was giving off my usual ' touch me and you are dead ' aura and they got it, but the actual reason was that I am delicate, fragile and they don't want to break me, mortifying; my ego deflated quicker than it inflated !

Oh well, I be goin' to sail in dreams. Sails up ! Ahoy !