Friday 29 March 2013

From Barcelona to Paris...

Barcelona, well what do I say about this city ? Do I say that it reminds me so much of my home town ? Do I say lounging in the beach after 4 months brought about tranquility in me ? Do I say the city make me feel alive ? Lets just say that Barcelona is all that and much more, the view of the city in harmony with the sea took my breadth away.
Eyes refused to look away from the vibrancy of the sun though eventually they overpowered me and made me look away yet leaving me wanting more - This is what I began to write in the post I never finished while in Barcelona, a post that I titled 'Breathless in Barcelona', the post that refused to come alive due to the absence of words in my head. A week has passed since my return from Spain and I am at loss of words yet again, so I am going to settle with writing about my return to Le Cordon Bleu.
Intermediate student, sounds so strange to me, every time people call out for Basic students at the school I immediately respond, still not used to the idea that I am in intermediate right now. A strange feeling of deja vu  and yet so different, the feeling of absolute disbelief that I am a student at Le Cordon Bleu has been replaced with the feeling of ( yet again ) absolute disbelief that I am an Intermediary student at the school. Moving forward but quite not the pace I was expecting, good things come for those who wait, something that I keep telling to myself. All in vain I keep repeating it over and over but the more I repeat it the more impatient I seem to become.
Pastries to my surprise have become the love of my life, still not a dessert person but madly in love with pastries. My brain the constant questioner keeps inquiring how I could be in love with something that I don't even eat. Forbidden love perhaps ? Intermediate is bringing new things to my palate, cuisine keeps getting shunned in the corner and pastries, oh the delicate affair between puff pastry and sweet short pastry ! The fiery passion between raspberry and passion fruit ! How much more can my palate witness ? I hold my breadth in anticipation for the next pastry demo...

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